Our Introduction

Learn About Our Company

JengaFund is a dynamic crowdfunding platform that champions dreams, creativity and innovation. Our mission is to empower individuals and organizations by providing a space where ideas flourish and dreams come to life through collective support. Whether you're a creator with a passion project, an entrepreneur with a groundbreaking idea, or a supporter eager to make a positive impact, JengaFund is the platform where aspirations take center stage. 


We believe in empowering individuals and communities by providing a platform where dreams can be transformed into reality through collective support.


We are committed to creating an inclusive space that welcomes diverse ideas, backgrounds, and projects.


Satisfied Customers
10 +
Projects Completed
$ 50000
Raised to Date
500 +
10 +
Happy Customers
Get to know Jengafund

Fund the Next Big Thing

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 Our mission is to empower dreams and fuel innovation by providing a dynamic crowdfunding platform where individuals, communities, and organizations can come together to build a better future

JengaFund envisions a world where aspirations thrive and possibilities are endless. Our vision is to be the leading force in democratizing funding, breaking down barriers to turn dreams into reality.

Since our inception, JengaFund has evolved into a dynamic hub for dreamers, innovators, and changemakers. We’ve facilitated the funding of growing number of projects, ranging from entrepreneurial ventures to community initiatives and creative endeavors.

Meet Our Team Members

Experienced People

World is Full with Creativity

Together We can Bring More Creativity into the World